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Flooding and climate change

Flooding and Climate Change: The Impact on UK Properties

23 July 2024

Explore effective strategies to help protect your home and community.

Despite the looming threat, many homeowners and small and medium-sized businesses remain unprepared. Recent research shared with Action Insurance Repair (AIR) highlights this gap in awareness and preparedness and offers vital insights into protecting and recovering from flood damage.

Homeowner Anxiety vs. Preparedness Paradox

· According to AVRillo’s research, 67% of UK homeowners are concerned about the impact of climate change.

· Despite this, 23% have not checked if they live in a high-risk flood area, leaving them vulnerable to potential damage.

SMEs and Flood Risk Management

57% of SMEs believe climate change will affect their operations within the next decade, yet:

  • Only 38% have a dedicated flood insurance plan.
  • A mere 18% have implemented flood prevention measures.

This disconnect highlights a critical vulnerability in the commercial sector, where proactive steps could significantly mitigate potential damage and disruption.

The High Stakes: Property and Economic Impact

Flooding implications extend far beyond immediate damage. The UK risks losing an estimated 167 million homes in the next 20 years due to climate change. This represents a devastating blow to individual families and property owners and poses a significant challenge to the overall property market and economy.

Making Informed Property Decisions

It’s crucial for residential and commercial property owners to take climate change and flood risks seriously. By understanding the potential impacts and taking proactive steps, homeowners and businesses can better protect their assets and ensure resilience against future flooding events.

If you or your client faces property damage due to flooding, call us on 01254 665333

Top Tips for your Clients

Protecting Homes from Flooding: Practical Steps

Given the severe risks associated with flooding, it is crucial for homeowners, landlords, and businesses to take proactive measures. Here are some practical steps to safeguard property:

  1. Check Your Flood Risk
    Use government resources like the Environment Agency’s flood information service and flood risk maps to determine if your property is in a high-risk area.
  2. Flood Insurance
    While standard home insurance often includes some flood cover, specific flood insurance policies offer more comprehensive protection and cover repairs after a flood.
  3. Install Flood Prevention Measures
    Flood defence tools such as flood barriers and airbrick covers can protect property, plus using waterproof materials for floors and walls and elevating electrical sockets can help minimise damage.
  4. Develop a Flood Plan
    Create an action plan for a flood event, including safe evacuation routes, emergency contacts, and strategies for protecting valuable items.

Recovering from Flood Damage: Essential Tips

If your client’s property has been affected by flooding, the recovery process can be daunting. These steps facilitate a smoother recovery:

  1. Document the Damage
    Take photographs and videos of the affected areas before starting any clean-up. This is crucial for insurance claims.
  2. Contact Your Insurer ASAP
    Notify the insurance company ASAP to start the claims process. Keep records of all communications and expenses related to the flood
  3. Safety First
    Ensure the property is safe before returning. Turn off gas and electricity if advised and wear protective clothing during the clean-up to avoid health risks.
  4. Professional Help
    Engage professional services for water extraction and mould remediation. Companies like AIR have the expertise and equipment to handle the job effectively and safely.

Need Help with Flood or Property Damage?

If you or your client has property damage from flooding or other causes, we simplify the insurance claim process and get the job done efficiently. Call us on 01254 665333