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Mould on a wall

New Service Launch: Mould Surveys in the Northwest of England

14 March 2024

Identify the cause of mould and tackle the problem

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Mould Surveys service for residential, commercial and social housing properties – and we are taking appointments!

Our new service has been developed because of increasingly being asked to assess mould and damp-ridden properties for potential insurance claims. By providing fast-response identification of the mould, and then tackling the issue head-on, we aim help improve homes, mitigate health risks, and preserve property values.

What does a Mould Survey tell me?

Mould growth is often tied to moisture intrusion, inadequate ventilation, or water penetration. Our new service identifies the source and ensures a more lasting solution compared to traditional superficial treatments.

Action Insurance Repair has extensive experience in assessing properties for damp and mould, which we have now formalised with training and certification. A Mould Survey from AIR will:

  1. Identify mould-infestations using advanced technological detection methods.
  2. Accurately assess the extent of mould infestation.
  3. Provide a comprehensive eradication strategy tailored to your property’s needs.

We will also provide a quotation to tackle the mould and put everything right for you.

Who Needs a Mould Survey?

Residential landlords

Mould growth has long plagued the property rental sector, posing health concerns for tenants and logistical and legal challenges for property owners.

A new law proposed in England and Wales means Landlords have a legal responsibility to determine the cause of mould in your property and put measures in place to fix it. Already social housing legislation requires action within 48 hours of the issue being flagged by tenants, and this is expected to reach the private rental sector soon...

By pre-emptively resolving mould issues, landlords can prevent potential health-related legal disputes, reducing your financial liabilities. Eradicating mould proactively maintains property values, minimises rental income disruption due to unresolved tenant complaints – and makes a property more desirable for a prospective tenant.

The launch of our specialist Mould Surveys empowers landlords and letting agents to proactively address this pressing issue. With the ability to curtail health-related claims and maintain tenant satisfaction, it promises to be a game-changer for property management.

Action Insurance Repair will provide a mould survey followed by quick wins to eradicate the mould and longer-term preventative treatments. Call 01254 665 333 to book your survey now.


An increasing number of residential properties have experienced mould problems over the last couple of years, which is believed to be largely due to the high cost of utility bills.

Homeowners and tenants have avoided ventilating their homes, tending to leave central heating off for as long as possible as Winter approaches, to avoid high energy bills. Particularly wet and cold spells during December and January 2022 and 2023 have made this worse, as properties just haven’t been kept sufficiently dry and warm.

By addressing the root causes of your mould, we can identify immediate repairs and long-term ways to treat and eradicate it, making your home simply nicer to be in!

Social Housing Landlords and Tenants

Media coverage has been extensive about Tenants in Social Housing suffering with extreme instances of mould. Lack of interest or engagement from some landlords and management companies has resulted in several cases reaching the courts, leading to changes in legislation within the social housing sector.

Some social housing organisations have their own in-house teams to identify and manage mould issues, but we understand that many of these are at capacity, causing delays and further discomfort to tenants.

No one should have to live with mould.

Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant, your home is somewhere you should feel safe.

Read more about our Mould Surveys or book your mould survey now on Call 01254 665 333.