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Does my insurance cover water damage?

18 July 2019

Avoid The Hassle and Make Sure Your Claim Gets Paid

Water damage is one of the most common causes of home insurance claims. Costs to repair water damage can be extensive, so it’s good to know if your insurance policy covers your water damage claim.

To help you out, we’ve put together some of the most common causes of water damage to help you understand what is or isn’t covered by most insurance policies


Water damage can arise from burst water pipes, frozen pipes, water escaping from fixed water or heating installations, leaks in the bathroom or kitchen, and through discharge and overflow of water. Accidental damage includes someone leaving a tap running or when a nail is put through a pipe.

Some types of water damage are pretty straightforward, while in other cases the source of water damage is not always obvious. Before deciding if the damage is covered or not, you will need to determine where the leak is coming from.

It’s important to understand that water damage can be progressive and without proper and regular maintenance anything could be going wrong under the surface. What looks like a relatively small stain on the ceiling could cause significant damage to your property if not dealt with appropriately.


Flooding is an increasingly common problem in the UK, with the most destructive weather and storm flooding ever recorded happening over the past five years. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns have been blamed for the problem, as well as homes and properties being constructed on flood-plain areas.

People generally use the term “flood” when they have water in their home. Insurance companies view a flood claim as a body of water overflowing so the level of water outside your home rises to a point where it enters your home.

A good way to understand whether you have a flood claim or a water damage claim is to determine if more than one home is affected. If so, you may be looking at a flooding situation or a flood claim.

No matter how it happens, your priority is to protect your home from flooding and to minimise flood damage. Read our top 5 ways to reduce damage after your house floods and find out what you should do immediately after a flood.


Weather is unpredictable and can cause significant storm damage to your home or business in an instant. Storms may cause water damage, fire damage, falling roof tiles and worse if a fallen tree or debris hits your roof during high winds.

Water damage from a storm can be devastating. It can cause permanent property damage if not cleaned and remediated right away. And, you could also experience a potential health problem from a mould and mildew infestation if the remnants of the storm and water damage are not properly treated and dried.

Filing a well-documented and presented insurance claim is a task that will need not only an insurance expert, but also specialists in the areas pertinent to the inspection of the damage itself. Our professional team at Action Insurance Repair are experts in water, flood and storm damage claims and will manage the full procedure, getting your property back to its original condition – and stopping the damage permanently.

Contact us today and take advantage of our no-fee 4-step process to get your claim started.