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11 July 2023

As part of our 15-year Anniversary celebrations here at Action Insurance Repair, we reflect on lessons learned over the past 15 years since we opened our doors.

Joanne shares her 15 lessons learned about business, property insurance claims, and customer service, which we can all reflect on!

For business

1. Know your numbers.

    Keeping track of the financials is important, particularly with recent hikes in material prices. Margins in construction can be tight, so you need to know exactly how much each job costs to run.

    2. Be realistic – about everything!

      Know your capacity to take on work, be realistic about lead-in times and job duration – and only take on work that you can give 100% to. 

      3. Free repair? Doesn’t exist!

        Extra work for no extra cost is often unappreciated - and can backfire. Working for free gives the perception that you are overcharging but insurance companies do not hand out blank cheques willy nilly, and our quotes are very carefully scrutinized!

        4. Confirm all changes in writing.

          All changes to the scope of work should be made at the outset, and documented so that the project can be properly programmed, cost, and everyone has a clear understanding of what’s been agreed. Following a pre-contract meeting, any additional work or changes to the scope of work should be put in writing and shared with both parties (builder and client).

          5. Get material specifications before the job starts.

            Material availability or long lead times can delay completion, if not scheduled and ordered at the right time.

            6.  Walk away if it isn’t right.

              If you don’t sense good rapport with the client or you can’t be competitive it’s sometimes better to walk away. Some insurers offer ridiculously low rates that no profitable building company can possibly work to.

              7. There is always a solution to every problem/obstacle.

                A lesson for everything in life! It just needs a little bit of thought and sometimes some uncomfortable conversations...

                8. Keep clients and referral partners up to date.

                  Provide regular updates – it’s better to be told to stop contacting/updating than be asked for updates!

                  9. It’s better to play a smaller part than try to do everything on your own.

                    An old company I used to work for was a one-stop shop, doing everything from site visits, damage assessments and quotes, to liaison with the insurance company, and even negotiating the settlement... I prefer to work as part of a team with other independent professionals to each work to their own specialism. That way, we all deliver our best work.

                    For client service

                    10. Set realistic expectations from the outset.

                      Insurance claims are often slow to settle. The insurer must approve all costs, so we are at their mercy and repairs cannot proceed until we have their written authority. Providing realistic expectations at the start means clients can plan.

                      11. Recognise that clients are often stressed and overwhelmed.

                        First meetings can be emotional, so we might need to run through things a few times with clients, with a follow-up call to reiterate what they need to do/what will happen next.

                        12. Protect your client’s property!

                          A lot of the work we do can be destructive, i.e. pulling down a ceiling, or hacking up floor tiles! It’s difficult not to make a mess, so it is imperative to protect what we can. Damage to property isn’t only costly, it can sour the client relationship and spoil all the hard work that’s been achieved.

                          13. Clean and tidy THROUGHOUT the job, not just at the end!

                            It saves time and keeps everyone happy!

                            For claims

                            14. Always use a loss assessor – nobody reads the small print!

                              A loss assessor can be worth their weight in gold – nobody reads the small print in their policy, so appointing an assessor at the outset, before it’s too late is key. Particularly for larger claims, or where the services of multiple professional parties are required.

                              15. Profit isn’t a dirty word...

                                All businesses need to make a profit so we can hire the best team and continuously reinvest in our business, to always provide the best service possible.

                                If you or someone you know is ready to get life back to normal, call us on 01254 665 333